Introduction to School of Economics and Management

The school of economics and management, founded in 1984, offers accounting, marketing, investment and financial management and e-commerce. Among them, accounting is the brand characteristic specialty of Hubei Province, and investment and financial management and marketing are the characteristic specialties of our school.

The college now has more than 46 full-time teachers, including 2 professors, 14 associate professors, 2 doctors and 38 masters. The "double qualified" teachers account for 80%. Among the teachers, there are 1 middle-aged and young expert with outstanding contributions from Hubei Province, 2 soft science experts from the Ministry of communications, 1 excellent teacher from the Ministry of communications, 2 "famous teachers of Chutian skills" in Hubei Province and 1 excellent teacher from Hubei Province. At present, there are 2881 students in school, the employment rate of graduates has been stable at 96% in recent three years, the results of various skill competitions are excellent, and the students' satisfaction with the school and major ranks first in the whole school.

The college has a supporting campus training base of 1200 square meters, including ERP comprehensive training room, enterprise operation practice training room, accounting simulation training room, accounting informatization training room, accounting skills Master Studio, securities simulation trading training room, financial derivatives trading training room, Guangfa Securities school center, marketing simulation training room The smart e-commerce training room has established a number of professional training bases in cooperation with more than 40 large and medium-sized enterprises.

The college always takes improving teaching quality as the core of teaching work, takes teaching reform as the guide to improving teaching quality, and takes the integration of practical teaching and course certificate as the starting point of teaching reform. It has carried out bold reform exploration and practice from the aspects of curriculum system, teaching methods, practical teaching and assessment methods, and summarized the combination of double certificates The talent training mode with professional skill training as the core has formed its own professional school running characteristics. Over the years, the college has trained nearly 20000 technical and skilled talents for the majority of enterprises and institutions, and has signed employment bases with more than 40 companies such as CCCC group, GF Securities Co., Ltd., UFIDA group, today's headlines, Meili financial useful stage, Jinniu Management Co., Ltd., Suning, baidu Baijie, Jingdong, etc.